Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

The Steering Committee is the governing
body of the Five County Association of Governments. Rather than posting
agendas for Steering Committee meetings directly on the Association's web
site, we now post them on the State of Utah Public Meeting Notices (PMN)
website. That way you can always be assured of viewing the official, published
agenda for the meeting. This is in accordance with Utah Law that requires
the posting on the UPMN website. Unless otherwise indicated on the
Agenda, all Steering Committee meetings will begin at 1:00 p.m. Our
Association's Steering Committee meetings are open to the public and the
public is invited and encouraged to attend.
Click HERE to view the Steering Committee Agenda for the next meeting as posted on the Utah Public Meeting Notice website. (Please note that an meeting agenda link will not be shown on that page until one week prior to the next meeting, when the Agenda is published).
Also provided on the UPMN website is a link to view and/or download the unapproved "draft" minutes from the previous Steering Committee meeting, as well as a copy of the information "packet" that is mailed out to the Committee members one week prior to the meeting. A map with directions to the meeting location is provided on that site. If, during the current Covid-19 pandemic, a meeting is available as an electronic meeting, it will be noted on the UPMN posting.
You can read more about the Steering Committee, including the membership of the Committee, by clicking on the "Information" tab at the top of each page on this web site and then clicking on the "Governing Boards" icon on that link.
The published schedule of Steering Committee meetings is available by using this LINK.