Five County News

2025-03-12 on what the Five County AOG is about.


Each year the Five County Association of Governments has an independent audit of our organization conducted by a qualified public auditing firm.  The FY2024 Audit was completed by the Certified Public Accounting firm of Hafen|Buckner of St. George City, Utah and the report was presented to our governing body, the Steering Committee, for acceptance, which they did at their meeting on November 13, 2024.

The FY2024 Audit Report is available for public review as a PDF scanned copy of by clicking on THIS LINK.

The Utah Counties Indemnity Pool (UCIP) is our Association's "insurer".   A Fraud Tip Hotline has been established by UCIP, in cooperation with Lighthouse Services, LLC. This service has been set up for UCIP members, such as the Five County  Association of Governments, in order to provide their staff and citizens with easy access to report fraud, and keep government open and honest.

Fraud tips can be submitted four ways:

Website: (available in English or Spanish)

Toll-Free Telephone:   • English – (877) 410-0007    • Spanish – (800) 216-1288

E-mail:  (must include our Association's name with report)  Fax: (215) 689-3885 (must include our Association's name with report.

An updated regional Multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazard Pre-disaster Mitigation Plan was developed by the Five County Association of Governments' staff in collaboration with all of the cities and towns, the five counties in this region, as well as the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah. The Plan update includes information regarding the type, location and extent potential and regularly occurring hazards in the Five County area and also includes information on previous occurrences of hazard events and the likelihood of a future natural hazard events.

This update was done through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Once adopted as a "guidance document" by each entity, the 5-year plan will be valid for that entity until 2027.  If there are any questions on the Plan update, please contact Mr.
Nate Wiberg, Senior Planner, at (435) 673-3548 ext. 105,  or via e-mail to

Click on this link:  to view the Plan

As required by Utah Code the Five County Association of Governments publishes all of its public meetings on the "Utah Public Meeting Notice" (UPMN) web site.  

You can search for our meetings by date or subject keyword.  To locate all of the meeting announcement postings published on the UPMN site by the Five County Association of Governments you can use this link and use the "Advanced Search" tab. You will need to type in the word five into the "Entity" box, highlight the "Five County Association of Governments" link that comes up, select a date range you want to view and then click on the "Submit" button. It will then show all upcoming meetings scheduled by the Five County AOG in the date range you selected.

Alternatively, you can use this LINK, choose to Find a Notice, and select "Associations of Governments" for Government type, choose "Five County Association of Governments" for the Entity, and you will see the Public Body list with links to each of them.

Click Here for more Info on on what the Five County AOG is about.